What’s Your Number?

2 min readAug 10, 2023

Tell me your digits darling

Photo by Alesia Kazantceva on Unsplash

One, two, three — what’s in a digit

Four, five, six — it can tell you so much

Seven, eight, nine — or nothing at all

Have you ever noticed how we as a society put so much weight to numbers? The basic ones that people obsess about are age, weight and instagram followers. Then there’s the wage you make, how much rent you pay and what the inflation rate it.

But it’s more than that. It’s the time you have to clock into the office, the date you schedule with your date and the amount of partners you’ve slept with. It’s the time it takes to get from home to the club, the amount of books you’ve read this year and the amount of hours you spend volunteering. It’s the time the sun goes up and the time it goes down. It’s the population in your city compared to the population in your country, it’s the amount of friends you have. It’s everywhere. Numbers rule our lives.

I wonder how live would be without them. If we could get up in the morning, work until the task was finished and eat until we were hungry. Sleep when we were tired, and dance until full exhaustion without a care in the world. Hang out with people you liked, dated when a cute person popped up in front of you and thought more about the quality of the people in your life rather than the quantity.

